Letter: Fear Doug Burgum presidential bid
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Letter: Fear Doug Burgum presidential bid

May 07, 2023

Doug Burgum's announcement to run for President should put fear in the heart of every American. If ever there was a wolf in sheep's clothing it is Burgum, proving that money cannot buy honesty or integrity; something a disgraced and divorced Bill Gates showed Americans, where Burgum has his own ties to Bill Gates. Burgum's "Innovative over Regulation" undermines rule of law.

Burgum quickly seized on the Trump wave and the people's dissatisfaction in 2016 to defeat the groomed and pampered Wayne Stenehjem for governor that was followed by Burgum's abuse of executive power at the expense of the legislative branch that led to litigations in addition to other vetoes meant to undermine democracy and the will of the people. Burgum tried manipulating state elections through his campaign donations.

Burgum's office proved it was easier to feign stupidity than admit to dishonesty, just as his office violated open records law more than once, while Burgum repeatedly breach his duty in N.D.C.C. § 54-07-01(1) to hide corruption in state government. The failure of Burgum to veto some legislation in 2023, unlike previous years, was part of Burgum's plan to run for President as he seeks to ride into office on the new wave sweeping over this country.

Those who love Trump and those that loathe Trump should fear Burgum, just as people should fear Burgum because he is soft on crime; where VisionZero led to his vetoing legislation increasing the speed limit under Burgum's claim that even the death of one person from an increased speed limit would be one death too many, while he ignores deaths caused be habitual and violent criminals with a juridical system and jails acting like revolving doors so criminals are often set free to keep reoffending even to the point that innocent people are killed.

S. Paul Jordan, Mandan

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